Here’s the Only Brain-Based Training Specifically for Principals, Staff Developers and Administrators!
Get an Amazing “Trifecta” of the 3 Most Powerful Tools
Any Change Agent Could Possibly Want or Have!
February 17-29, 2014 in San Antonio, TX
June 23-25, 2014 in Charlotte, NC
What could make the biggest difference in your professional life?
1) Insider secrets of how to build student achievement
2) How to package and present superb, jaw-dropping staff
development that engages and works every time
3) How to get staff on board to change schools—FAST!
Before you wonder if that’s even possible, read the following email I received.
Eric, we are happy to report that if you apply what you learn at Jensen Learning Workshops, your results will blow away the competition!!
We finished the year by winning the school wide “Golden Apple” award for the most improved test scores in the school! We doubled the district average in Math, Reading, and Language Arts scores on the National M.A.P. (Measures of Academic Performance) Assessment.
Almost 80% of our class met or exceeded the anticipated growth for the year. Many students doubled the expected growth and our top students tripled the expected growth. We had students who increased their Reading and ELA scores by 40 points!! The expected growth is around 12 points and the district’s average gain was around 9 points.
We also had the most improved multiplication student in the district. Anyone can do what we did. You don’t need a lot of money, resources or fancy curriculums. Just passion!”
C. Charles, Principal
Is that the kind of results you’re seeking? This is only the program that I do exclusively for change agents. It is the only one I do that synthesizes 25 years of staff development. And finally, it is the only program I do that gives you specific, practical strategies for how to build teachers and change schools!
If you’ve struggled with these challenges, this is for you. But I do many other programs, so how do you decide which is for you? If you’re an administrator, trainer or staff developer this program is specifically for you!
Can I help other staff developers?
RA- Staff Developer
Where is your career going? Will you be doing more and more of the same? Or, are you ready to start making some magic happen?
Yes, it’s time to “Change the Game.” This 3-day event can change your professional life.
How is this program different from every other one I do?
This is the insider’s version. This is the program that I offer for those on a F-A-S-T track to success. This is the event that accelerates your mindset, builds background knowledge and hones those skills to affect dramatic and daily change for the better.
This remarkable 3-day, hands-on, experiential training gives you the brain science in the morning, the change strategies over midday and the presentation strategies each afternoon. There are no wasted moments; everything is focused on helping you make dramatic changes RIGHT NOW! It is completely ENGAGING! Who says so?
DM – Superintendent
SB, Houston, TX
ES, Paducah, KY
LN, Professor and director
CM, Principal
You’re about to learn specific, practical applications of the brain-based foundation. This program reveals powerful information, usable skills and action steps using a variety of differentiated learning techniques. This concise, powerful program will fast-track you to far greater success than you ever dreamed. Read what one of my students said…
You’ll get choice, variety and a banquet of learning with video, teamwork, PowerPoint presentations, brainstorming, paired sharing and reflection. And, expect to be presenting every single day. This is a “hands-up and brain-on” session only for the shakers and the movers.
Join the “cutting-edge”
of 21st century learning.
At this event you can expect to:
• Give yourself a professional “tune-up”
• Experience every step being modeled
• Make a bigger difference and feel good about it
THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE Training From Eric Jensen – there will be no other presenters.
You are getting the original author of 26 brain-based books including the original Teaching with the Brain in Mind. This is an Original 100% Genuine, Brain-Based Learning Program!
You’ll Get Over 45 Specific Practical, Research-Based Strategies Ripped From the Headlines of Leading-Edge Neuroscience. Expect Daily Miracles and Become Highly Skilled in 3 Days!
- Learn the most amazing brain-based principles you can use daily!
- Discover (& remember!) the secrets to accurate memory & recall
- Find out what drives change in the human brain and how to do it!
- Get the inside secrets of how to influence your student’s brain chemistry
- Learn to build a positive social status environment
- Make new friends and enjoy the camaraderie of a close-knit team
- Gain dozens of practical tools of engagement for more active classes
- Learn how to use music, arts and physical education
- Find out the near-deadly effects of chronic stress or threat on learning,even in your own brain!
- See, hear and feel every single idea, strategy or principle role-modeled(no one else does this like Eric Jensen)
- Get dozens of resources you can see and purchase on the spot.

That sounds like a strong claim. Can I back it up? Read this:
TD, Florida
How much would you expect to pay for this amazing program? What would having the power to transform your students, staff or school be worth to you? Would you expect to pay $975? Maybe you’d expect to pay even $1,500? Actually, we believe that the fair “market value” for these skills is easily over a thousand dollars.These Exciting Skills Are Priceless; You Could Easily Pay Twice as Much To Get a Training Like This! But Act ASAP and You’ll Get Over 50% Off!
But these are challenging times, so think again.
Your tuition is priced so that every single person that wants to become a “change agent” can participate. In fact, your tuition for this amazing event is just $495, a whopping 50% discount off market value. If your career is going to go anywhere, this may be one of the best investments you can possibly make!
Are you ready for the details? Here they are:
PRESENTER: Eric Jensen
DATE: February 17-29, 2014 in San Antonio, TX
June 23-25, 2014 in Charlotte, NC
Can ERIC JENSEN really make a difference in your life? Read what a past graduate said…
TA, Staff Developer
What’s In This Amazing
“Game Changers” Special Event?
Three topics will form the basis of your amazing experience. Each of these topics will be explored at a deeper level on each of the three days. The first day will be the introductory level. The second day will be the application level. The third day will be the expert level. You will get fresh content, relevant practice and new, empowering beliefs every single day.
Your Agenda/Curriculum Layers the Learning!
Day One: FOUNDATION… You get core scientific understandings for research-based teaching and learning. Practice time follows. You get powerful knowledge of how your staff is motivated to change in the school environment. Practice time follows. You get core research-based insights of how to train others for a highly successful staff development. Practice time follows.
Day Two: UNDERSTANDING… You will review and deepen your knowledge of scientific teaching and learning. Time for additional critical application of yesterday’s knowledge base. You will review and enhance your capacity for making change in the school environment. Time for critical application of knowledge is given. You will revisit and solidify understandings of how to train others for a highly successful staff development. Time for critical application of knowledge is given.
Day Three: APPLICATION… You will collect and consolidate your knowledge of brain-based teaching and learning. Planning time for implementation is given. You will strengthen your keen insights of human motivation for making change in the school environment. Planning time for implementation is given. You will strengthen your skill sets in how to train others for a highly successful staff development. Planning time for implementation is given followed by ending reviews and celebration.
In this workshop, you will gain priceless “change agent” skills, grow and develop self-confidence, and gain key insights to make your job easier! Plus, you will also receive daily practice and a wealth of feedback and collegial support. How much is my training worth? Wow! Your experience is going to be powerful!
JW, Professor
Does that happen for you now? If not, it’s time.
In fact, if you’ve read this far, you KNOW it’s for you. You and I know, if you want anything badly enough, you’ll find a way. And besides, it’s risk-free. You’ve got a satisfaction or money back guarantee. So, go for it, before it’s filled & you have to wait another year. Your future is important and this may insure its success.
To Your Success,
Eric Jensen, President, Jensen Learning
P.S. This workshop is especially powerful for you if your school’s not performing up to standards. You’ll get the powerhouse tools you need the most to help create miracles! But register soon, the word’s out already.