Extreme Schools in an Extreme Interview
Instead of our usual featured “Extreme School” (of which we have many), we are featuring an unusual question-answer session. These were posed by real staff members from two real Title 1 schools.
Instead of our usual featured “Extreme School” (of which we have many), we are featuring an unusual question-answer session. These were posed by real staff members from two real Title 1 schools.
What should your priorities be this year? From a personal standpoint, managing your health through good food, exercise, and stress management are pretty smart paths to follow. After all, if you’re not at your best, both you and your students miss out. From a professional standpoint, ensuring that students become strong learners should be a […]
Host a staff development workshop on your own, using Jensen Learning’s workshop to go. It’s a program that you can deliver school-wide with positive, practical, research-based methods that can skyrocket student achievement scores. Click here to find out how your school can overcome the challenges of teaching kids in poverty.
Valentines, Feelings and Affect: The Use of Social and Emotional Activities Here’s how they work together: The emotions research always starts with the classics. An older, brilliant study done was done by emotions pioneer Paul Ekman. You may know the Fox TV series “Lie to Me” is based on his skill set and life’s work. […]
Every New Discipline Has Challenges Typical challenges involved in brain-based learning include: finding people and sources you can trust to learn from (websites, famous people, etc.) deciding on the format or vehicle for learning (in person, on-line, books?) prioritizing the time to make it happen (learning plus the implementation) Sorry, there are no shortcuts with […]