Here’s a fun way to test your knowledge of the brain. At the end of this quiz, you’ll get the correct responses. Until then, avoid looking at the answers and give yourself a real test!
True or False?
1. Early childhood experiences cause our synaptic count to multiply rapidly.
2. The amygdala’s only job is to be our fear detector.
3. Low stress learning is best for all learning.
4. Research clearly proves the critical need to capitalize on early windows of opportunity.
5. Rote memorization is brain-antagonistic.
6. The use of videos and lectures are anti-brain-based.
7. Environments determine 40% of learner success.
8. Most learners use only 5-10% of their brain.
9. Emotion and intelligence are separate brain functions.
10. Mozart is the best music for enhancing learning.
11. Learning Styles, Cooperative Learning, Differentiated Instruction and Multiple Intelligences
are all brain-based.
12. The adult brain cannot grow brand new cells.
13. Someone who can get the correct answer quickly is an intelligent learner.
14. An enriched environment is one with posters, mobiles, manipulatives, pets and music.
15. Students who have more focused attention on the teacher show improved learning.
16. Teaching more content per hour, per day, per week, per year is best.
17. The left side is the logical side of the brain.
18. It is now known how to best assess student learning.
19. Increased synapses formed in the brain lead to increased intelligence.
20. Teachers should start class with new content within the first 5 minutes.
21. The right side of the brain is the creative side.
The answers?
These questions are difficult to answer because answers are rarely black and white. Truthfully, every single
one of the assertions written out above has either some, or a great deal of inaccuracy in them.
Consider all of them false.