How to Make it Happen:
Often organizations send their staff to Eric Jensen’s in-depth 2, 4, or 6-day workshops for in-depth training. This can bring convenience and considerable savings to your organization.
However, for a variety of reasons, such as large numbers, urgency or the need for a customized program, it may make sense to have Eric Jensen come directly to your school or organization to work with your staff. He can bring the passion and energy to the instruction as well as practical strategies that can be used the very next workday.
Undoubtedly, you have high standards and plenty of pressures in your job. You don’t need more uncertainty. After all, in the world of staff development, there are few guarantees. But with Eric Jensen, you can absolutely depend on a first class trainer who will:
- Engage your audience
- Provide a polished 1st class session
- Practice what he preaches
- Make the message relevant
- Get consistently high evaluations
Many would say that Eric Jensen is a pioneer in the field of brain-compatible learning. He cofounded the world’s first brain-compatible academic residential program in 1982 (Quantum Learning and SuperCamp) and was the founder of the first educator conference on brain-based learning (Learning Brain EXPO). His teacher training programs have reached over 65,000 teachers and his student programs have reached over 50,000 learners.
He’s a longtime member of the Society for Neuroscience, an invitation-only association of researchers. He’s an active member of The New York Academy of Sciences and the President’s Club at the Salk Institute of Neuroscience, one of the highest rated neuroscience research facilities in the world. Most importantly he’s got a real love of learning, and has been a classroom teacher, an adjunct university professor and corporate trainer.
When To Contract Eric Jensen
Usually, you’ll need to book 4-12 months in advance. There are exceptions, so be sure to ask. The summer months are of course the busiest, so book those far in advance.
How Much Does It Cost?
Each job is bid separately. It will depend on whether the work is international or domestic, the size of the group, how much advance preparation the group has made, the location and number of days. More days booked means you pay less per day. If you book multiple programs over several years, you save even more money. Expenses are additional (travel, lodging, meals, workbook duplication). You’ll have a choice as to whether you want an “all inclusive rate” (that includes all expenses) or to pay expenses separately. You will also get the best results when teachers have time to really learn, absorb and try out the strategies over time versus a “one-shot” event.
What If Eric Jensen Is Not Available?
There is an extended certification program for applicants in Eric Jensen’s training program to become trained. This rigorous program includes trainings, journaling, references, video and written exams. If Eric Jensen cannot do the work you request, we will recommend one of his certified, well-trained associates. There are only a few in the world who have qualified and maintained their high quality standings. We’ll give you their number and you’ll work directly with them, not through Jensen Learning. Not every person does every topic. But some do other topics (ones Eric does not do) that you may be interested in having for your staff.
How Do I Make Arrangements?
Do not call Eric Jensen directly. Instead contact Diane Jensen. Her phone number is (808) 552-0110 or email her She’s usually in Monday through Friday, 9-5pm, Pacific Standard Time.
After she listens to your needs, she’ll fax you a “bid” sheet of information. You’ll fill it out and fax it back. She’ll evaluate the information you have sent to her and let you know as soon as possible if the work you request can be done. Sometimes, she may suggest alternative dates. If your needs are urgent and she’s not available, please leave a detailed message including your name, phone, fax number and email address.
We are sorry that Eric’s schedule doesn’t allow him to do every presentation that’s requested of him. If he is able to work with you, we can promise that he’ll do a terrific job.
What Is Expected of You as a “Sponsor?”
You will be asked if you want to hold the date as a ‘tentative’ or as a ‘confirmed’. Only if it’s confirmed will Eric Jensen actually save, block off and guarantee the date. To save a date requires a signed Jensen Learning contract. Both parties will agree on the topic, date, compensation and location.
You’ll also agree that you’ll do the following:
- provide the number of participants that you estimate
- hold the event on the date agreed upon
- use a “learning friendly” venue. This means having refreshments for the participants in the morning and afternoon. It means a large, well-lit room. It means you’ll have the workbooks ready and the catering set.
- have a powerful data projector with backup available. Big screens provide better visibility, so find the biggest one that you can.
- provide an audiovisual support person
- provide the check for the presentation fees at the close of the presentation.
- agree to support the efforts with follow up in the form of books, other workshops or staff meetings
These are typical of your responsibilities. Eric Jensen promises to be on time, be prepared, to do what you ask and more, and produce a terrific presentation each and every time.
Contact Numbers
Diane is the person! If you have interest, questions or comments, you may e-mail Diane Jensen at
Her phone number is (808) 552-0110 (after 9am Pacific Standard Time).